Japanese Gay Porn Star 工藤敦志 Diago Yuki Sorci Brief Story

Japanese Gay Cideo actor 工藤敦志 Kudo Toshi, whose real name is ソルシ佑纪, “Yuki Sorci” is a Japanese who grew up in the United States.

In addition to being a fitness coach and amateur bodybuilder during the day, 工藤敦志 Diago Yuki Sorci also appeared in many role-playing movies, such as car wash, rider, and patient.

He studied wrestling at the University of Dubuque for two years and began practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

He hasn’t played much in the fighting MMA player’s career. Later, he left the United States and began a professional bodybuilding career in Japan. Won the championship in the USBB-JAPAN CONTEST 2015 competition.

工藤敦志 Diago Yuki Sorci’s stage name in Gay Film should be Diago.

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